If I Uninstall My Facebook App and Reinstall Will I Have to Sign in With My Password Again?
- 374
I'm having issues with the 8330 facebook app. I'yard thinking of uninstalling it and and then reinstalling it. If I practise that, does my Facebook account itself get deleted? And when I reinstall information technology on my BB and and then sign back in with my facebook account, will all my friends automatically exist on the app, or do I have to add them all back on individually?
Thank you so much!!!
05-23-09 02:10 PM
- 13,463
No, you're fine, go ahead and do the delete and re-install
Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
05-23-09 02:12 PM
- xiii,463
Continue an eye out adjacent Thursday at 5: 00 for Facebook 1.half dozen likewise.
Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
05-23-09 02:thirteen PM
- 395
What are the issues you're having with FB?
05-23-09 02:40 PM
- 374
Thanks for the info! One of my friends isn't showing upwardly on my friend list. I've tried deleting him, re-calculation him, having him delete me, me re-adding him, etc. When I click on his friend request (which does come up to me), it says "This friend request is non available." However, I tin can add together him and view him just fine on my calculator. I did uninstall information technology, reinstall it, accept my service books resent, battery pull, etc., but he'south nevertheless NOT there.
Whatever ideas?
05-23-09 02:42 PM
- 1
Originally Posted by CaraP
Thanks for the info! One of my friends isn't showing upwards on my friend listing. I've tried deleting him, re-adding him, having him delete me, me re-calculation him, etc. When I click on his friend asking (which does come up to me), it says "This friend request is not available." However, I can add him and view him simply fine on my computer. I did uninstall it, reinstall it, take my service books resent, battery pull, etc., just he's notwithstanding NOT there.
Whatsoever ideas?
It may means that 1 of yous may have inadvertantly blocked. Check your allow settings.
Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
05-23-09 07:56 PM
- 2
How do I delete and reinstall Facebook? I know, stupid question, but I'g lazy and lack the time to search through all this stuff.
06-18-09 11:42 PM
- 331
Originally Posted by CaraP
Thanks for the info! One of my friends isn't showing up on my friend list. I've tried deleting him, re-calculation him, having him delete me, me re-adding him, etc. When I click on his friend request (which does come to me), information technology says "This friend request is not available." However, I can add him and view him but fine on my reckoner. I did uninstall it, reinstall it, have my service books resent, battery pull, etc., merely he'southward however Non there.
Whatsoever ideas?
it happend with me one time via some other phone its not an issue with your phone or anything probably something to practice with facebook it self. This is what i did, i removed the friend and the other friend removed me too , I added the other friend and he accustomed my request and we were fine once again This happens when you delete a friend from your WAP browser.
Let me know if this helps
06-19-09 12:05 AM
- 1,012
Generally speaking if data is stored off the device on a server somewhere then deleting the app on your device will non impact that. If data is stored on the device relating to that app and you lot delete it, well and then yous lose the data.
Not 100% certain with Facebook, but I'thousand pretty sure all your friends and information, etc. is stored on a server. The app itself acts merely every bit a gateway to access and login to the server and to update and manipulate the data.
06-19-09 12:09 AM
- 331
and yes talking near ur friends ,deleting your facebook wont affect them , delete your aaplication equally many times you desire it wont affect your friends list or status or anything
06-19-09 12:12 AM
- eight,846
the only wait to delete friends on Facebook, is to log into the website and specifically click on a friend in the friends listing and hit delete.
06-19-09 01:fifty AM
- one
I have been having trouble with my Facebook. If I delete information technology and reinstall information technology will I lose all my contacts and data?
eleven-24-14 12:37 PM
- 937
Originally Posted by jackie kurker
I have been having trouble with my Facebook. If I delete it and reinstall information technology volition I lose all my contacts and information?
Hi Jackie,
I'm hoping you received an reply to your question.
If not, you can delete the Facebook app from your phone with out deleting your Facebook business relationship.
Facebook has a computer chosen a server at their part which holds all your Facebook information.When y'all delete the Facebook application from your phone, all yous're doing is erasing a quick link to that server. Your account is still safe. Only on your phone there is no established connection.
So to reply your question, you lot tin can delete the application on your telephone without losing your contacts and data.
Post via my BlackBerry Z30!
Concluding edited by cdnynot; 12-11-fourteen at 01:19 AM.
12-05-14 09:38 AM
- 1
Have reinstalled FB on IPad and cannot observe whatever history. How do i retrieve/
01-22-15 07:32 AM
- Forum
- BlackBerry Bone Phone Forums
- BlackBerry Bone Apps
If I delete the facebook app and and then re-install it, practice my friends become deleted?
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Source: https://forums.crackberry.com/blackberry-os-apps-f35/if-i-delete-facebook-app-then-re-install-do-my-friends-get-deleted-233682/
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