My Boyfriend Won't Go to My Family Events

I think this will be a fleck of a long post and I apologise to everyone in advance for this

It'southward a bit of a long story, but here it goes. I have been with my beau for nearly six months now and I'd say that nosotros have a actually good relationship, we are both very happy. Simply there's one consequence that occasionally creeps up and causes some bug, spending time with my family. Next weekend, it's my brother'due south birthday and he'south having a pocket-sized party at our house with some shut family members and friends. It'southward basically just going to be a BBQ with some drinks etc as he doesn't desire to do anything that extravagant. A few days ago at dinner, my mum asked by brother to ostend which friends he is inviting etc and afterward rattling off a list of people, he and then said to me that my boyfriend could come up too because they hadn't seen him in awhile. Equally soon as my brother said that, I felt uncomfortable. That's considering I know what the response volition be from my boyfriend when I ask him if he wants to come to my brother's birthday adjacent
I completely respect and empathise that information technology can be incredibly nerve wrecking spending time with your girlfriend's family if you lot don't know them very well or meeting them for the kickoff fourth dimension. But isn't it also good to become to know them and spend time with them? Since I got together with my swain, I think he has spent time with my family a k full of three times, and 2 of those three times involved me practically getting downwards on my easily and knees begging.
We are both students that attend the same academy, but the difference being that I decided to alive at home while my fellow moved into adaptation because he was coming from another metropolis. Naturally, it'south a unfamiliar city to him (excluding the university campus and the city centre) then he's going to be anxious about getting public transport etc if he doesn't 100% know where he is going simply I wouldn't leave him to find his own way to my firm! I've given him lots of directions, clear bus routes, were to get off etc, taking screenshots from Google Maps (even filming my bus journey dwelling house for him) simply he still likes to use the excuse that he doesn't know the way to mine, despite the instructions I keep giving him and the times I've been on the buses with him. So I either have to go and get him from the academy and take him dwelling on the double-decker or he doesn't come to mine at all.
Furthermore, he occasionally likes to utilize the excuse that he hasn't spent plenty time with flatmates so tin't come to mine when my family invite him. I accept asked him if he has a problem with my family and he claims he doesn't, but to me he clearly has a consequence if he doesn't desire to spend time with my family.
Concluding point (I'll shut up now, I hope!) is that I went to his hometown over the Easter break for five days for his birthday and stayed with his family, who are lovely and very hospitable. I had a neat fourth dimension staying with them and I'm looking frontwards to going again in the summer. Whenever they come up to visit him at academy, they always invite me out too. Simply I just find it a bit unfair that he's so bang-up for me spend time with his family when he never wants to spend time with mine? My family ask after him a lot and when is he next going to come over? I experience atrocious proverb that he volition before long, when I know deep down that he won't.
I'm then lamentable for going off on such a looong story! Whatever help would be greatly appreciated!

If he doesn't want to spend time with your family unit that's it. I hate spending time at events like this, personally, and I will apply excuses to become out of them equally well. Inquire if he wants to come, but it'south merely your brother's birthday. It's not a major effect for him at all, and information technology's probably non a major event for you either.

Don't make a big bargain nearly it. We all have our quirks.

(Original post by Genocidal)
If he doesn't want to spend time with your family that'southward it. I hate spending fourth dimension at events like this, personally, and I will employ excuses to get out of them as well. Ask if he wants to come up, but it'southward just your brother's birthday. It's not a major consequence for him at all, and it's probably not a major result for you either.

Don't make a large deal well-nigh it. Nosotros all have our quirks.

Yep your right, I'm not going to brand a large bargain over it but it would be nice at times if he would spend some fourth dimension with my family every bit they mean a lot to me. But I'chiliad not going to get-go an argument with him or anything.
Cheers for the communication!

Maybe he's scared of making a commitment? I mean his family unit know him, right? They don't actually accept expectations of HIM when you come circular - and even if they do he tin bargain with them every bit they've been expecting things from birth from him. However when he comes to yours, maybe he feels very formal and as if it's a serious thing if he gets to know them too well? How has your family unit behaved with him? Maybe he feels similar they've got expectations of him and he's not ready nonetheless? Even I only introduce the closest or most serious of my friends to my family as it creates a strong impression in their mind

What I would practise is talk to him get-go about how he feels about your family and why he feels any he feels. Try to be open and honest equally possible. He might open up or he might have nothing to say, but don't be judgemental. If yous want to exist with him long term so it's of import to have a clear understanding of each other

(Original mail service by Mythological101)
Yep your right, I'1000 not going to brand a big deal over information technology but it would be nice at times if he would spend some time with my family as they hateful a lot to me. Merely I'one thousand not going to start an argument with him or annihilation.
Thanks for the advice!

I can sympathize that.

I think in your boyfriend's instance it needs to be less formal. An outcome similar this can seem way besides intimidating. Someone like me, for example, does better meeting people in small groups of one or two. That's probably what your boyfriend needs earlier he tin breadbasket things like this.

(Original post by lil.cerise)
Maybe he'south scared of making a commitment? I mean his family know him, right? They don't really have expectations of HIM when you lot come circular - and even if they do he tin can bargain with them as they've been expecting things from birth from him. Withal when he comes to yours, maybe he feels very formal and as if it's a serious affair if he gets to know them also well? How has your family behaved with him? Perhaps he feels like they've got expectations of him and he's not set up yet? Fifty-fifty I simply introduce the closest or most serious of my friends to my family as it creates a strong impression in their mind

What I would exercise is talk to him start about how he feels nigh your family and why he feels whatever he feels. Try to exist open and honest as possible. He might open up or he might have nothing to say, but don't be judgemental. If you want to be with him long term and so it'southward important to have a clear agreement of each other

They've been actually dainty to him when he's been effectually. We are quite a laid back family and equally far every bit I am aware, nobody in my family has any expectations of him. At times, my dad can be a flake intense but I think that's considering of his job role and it's rubbed off on him at times to be similar that out of a piece of work environs then I'll ask my beau if that is one of the reasons that is bothering him.
Thank you very much for your assistance!

You really demand to talk to him, considering it'll offset becoming a regular thing with seeing your family all the fourth dimension, and it could fifty-fifty lead to him making excuses to see y'all too...

(Original post by Genocidal)
I can understand that.

I think in your fellow'due south example it needs to exist less formal. An event like this tin seem way besides intimidating. Someone like me, for example, does better meeting people in small groups of one or two. That'due south probably what your boyfriend needs earlier he can stomach things like this.

Hmmm, so do y'all think I should "reintroduce" (then to speak) my boyfriend to my family unit individually? What type of scenario would work best for you?

It tin be kind of intimidating meeting people's parents, I often experience very shy when I don't know people very well simply if he never makes the effort to spend fourth dimension with them then he won't get past that.
I had a young man who refused to come round to dinner with m family and I establish it so embarrassing that he wouldn't make the endeavour, it'south important to me for my family to like my fellow and for his to like me. Have y'all told him how important it is to y'all?

(Original post by suzannataylor)
It can exist kind of intimidating coming together people'due south parents, I often feel very shy when I don't know people very well but if he never makes the attempt to spend time with them then he won't become past that.
I had a fellow who refused to come round to dinner with m family unit and I found it so embarrassing that he wouldn't brand the try, it's important to me for my family to like my boyfriend and for his to like me. Have you lot told him how of import it is to yous?

I'm exactly the same! My family hateful a lot to me and it's embarrassing that he is and so reluctant to come up around at times. I don't think I've stressed how important information technology is to me, but I think he knows how much I value my family. I know this sounds dramatic, simply I notice it a unfair that I've stayed with his family over Easter break and that he sometimes won't come around for dinner? Maybe I'chiliad beingness unreasonable and dramatic only sometimes it's a bit frustrating

you've been together six months and he'south met them three times? i don't think that'southward altogether unreasonable, personally. especially for a academy couple.

(Original mail service by Mythological101)
Hmmm, and then do you retrieve I should "reintroduce" (so to speak) my boyfriend to my family individually? What type of scenario would work best for you?

Through a variety of coincidences. Invite him over without mention of your family. So he'll be with your parents more often. And then you invite him over when an uncle or someone is due to plow up. Little coincidences like that tend to be better than formal events.

Make it about you two always. Never make it about your family unit.

(Original post past Genocidal)
Through a diversity of coincidences. Invite him over without mention of your family unit. And then he'll be with your parents more oft. And then you invite him over when an uncle or someone is due to turn upwardly. Little coincidences like that tend to exist ameliorate than formal events.

Make information technology about you two ever. Never make it about your family.

Ahhhh, that's a skilful idea! Thank you so much!

(Original mail service past Mythological101)
I'm exactly the aforementioned! My family mean a lot to me and it'southward embarrassing that he is so reluctant to come effectually at times. I don't call back I've stressed how of import information technology is to me, but I call up he knows how much I value my family. I know this sounds dramatic, but I observe it a unfair that I've stayed with his family over Easter break and that he sometimes won't come around for dinner? Mayhap I'm being unreasonable and dramatic merely sometimes it's a bit frustrating

My boyfriend is really great with my family (he is a very confident person though) but fifty-fifty he sometimes says he doesn't experience entirely comfy in my business firm. I think it'southward a case of realising that fifty-fifty if you feel a fiddling uncomfortable, information technology's important to make an effort.

(Original post by Genocidal)
Through a diversity of coincidences. Invite him over without mention of your family. And so he'll be with your parents more oft. And then you lot invite him over when an uncle or someone is due to turn up. Petty coincidences similar that tend to be improve than formal events.

Make it most y'all 2 always. Never make information technology about your family.

Yeah, this is a good idea

Y'all've only been dating 6 months! And he has really met them 3 times. If it had been, say two years I'd say talk to him, just it's non been that long, let him go more comfortable with them at his own pace.

I wouldn't want to go to either. Cus I don't like BBQs and social events like that where you stand up around doing nothing apart from talking. Absolute drag.

ive been with my bf 4 years and he'southward only come up to my business firm twice, and then my family dont know him at all, tho im circular at his house every calendar week, i just assumed he doesnt similar my family or something but when his family invite me to events ill say no and so he'll become mad at me for proverb no. people are strange

When I first got together with my boyfriend I was invited out for a meal with his family unit for his older sister's altogether (he'd already met my family but that was for my altogether so that was somewhat more natural) and I think it as being ane of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life. I'chiliad shy by nature, meeting his family members 1 after the other was overwhelming, my fellow was and so nervous that it rubbed off on me and the occasion was for his sister who I didn't even know or have annihilation in common with. I agree with the above poster who said yous should invite him over to hang out with yous and then endeavour and spend some time with your parents during this time (maybe build it up, an hour for the first time). Later on my starting time experience I certainly wouldn't attend his sis'due south birthday party over again or anything (and we've been together 2 years now) - final time I went to a family occasion with him was Boxing Mean solar day and I still plant that very stressful.

I am having the aforementioned trouble now where my young man and I have been dating for 7 months at present and we are very happy together always having a adept time. I noticed that I fabricated it a addiction of me going over his firm many times and he got used to that. Now he barely likes to come over my business firm because he says he feels more comfortable in his home but he needs to understand that family is important to me. My family is always asking most him..

Omg...i can certainly relate to this! I simply am over my head over this. I've given upwards on my bf. Been together for over 4 yrs at present and he merely met my entire family unit ones on my sister's wedding. I'1000 not he kind of girl that wants him to exist over all the fourth dimension. But for Christmas or special events I really would want him to. However, he is non all that into ointeracting with ppl he does non know well. When we become over his families home he does not really collaborate with either so I guess it's just who he is. All I can say is nosotros truly love each other.


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